
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

We're not talking

The kitchen and I are not in a good place. Nor are the fruit flies and I. Or the dog that has chewed on one cord, three pens, three shoes, one hippo, one very expensive and fancy remote, and one baby present. I am also not talking to my computer (talking to you Apple) that arrived today from repair and has already required three reinstalls and one call to tech support. Still not sure if I'm talking to a "genius " tomorrow.

Oh, and Sallie Mae of course. We're usually not on speaking terms but today I reached out, I tried to make that connection,  and she shot me down. Told me that me, my business degree, and my research were wrong. Then told me that she'd look into it. So I guess we are actually talking.

The movers would be cut out if they weren't holding our stuff hostage aka improper paperwork that no one tried to fix. We're talking again Friday which is just in time to start talking to the dating in-laws who will soon be descendind on to my tragic kitchen.

So we're not talking.

The Marine Corps and I are not talking because the bf and I are not talking because of a field exercise.

I AM talking to my kidneys again after the antibiotics brought us back together. And my phone after a trip to Walmart for a new charger (thanks, Deen). And my money.  We had a nice long conversation this morning and I think it plans to stay put for a while. Unless Sallie Mae and I have another chat...

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